Contacts: David: 423.364. nine nine nine nine Peggy: 423.639. one eight eight eight Barbara: 407.492.two six seven nine |
Weekend Schedule May 16-18, 2025
"Forest Lake Academy Class of 1967 Reunion May 2025"
Start Date: Friday, May 16, 2025 End Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2025 Chattanooga Marriott Downtown for $139.00 per night Last Day to Book: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 Please note that the checkout date has been extended to Tuesday. |
Hello Classmates! Are you ready to do it all again? Let's have a party! Even though most of us are graduates of Forest Lake Academy, many of us live here in the Chattanooga area or people are flying in from all over the country. So, I guess Chattanooga is as good a place as any for this 57th Class of '67 Reunion. This reunion will not be as elaborate and expensive as our 50th reunion, but it will be great. We have a fantastic venue, we have give away prices on rooms, great food and it's not hurricane season yet. Yahoo! I hope everybody can come. We will have a great time together again.
Ken DeFoor owns this hotel and he is giving us a great rate of $139 per night. That is about half price. We get the Marriott for the price of a Days Inn. Ken is also donating the Tennessee River Meeting Room and the adjacent outdoor patio. Thank you Ken. There is an electric shuttle bus stop at our hotel that will take us all over the city from the Choo Choo to the Aquarium for free. Enjoy meals in your room or there is a restaurant in the hotel.
Weekend Cost
Confirmation List
Last updated 01/31/2025
Sabbath Evening Buffet Menu
We will have snacks and drinks Friday evening for the reception and all day Sabbath for our reunion.
Sunday Lunch and Riverboat Cruise
From the hotel, take the free electric shuttle busses to the Aquarium and make the short 1/4 mile walk to the Southern Belle Riverboat on the edge of the river. There we will have a casual prepaid lunch from 1 to 3 PM and then a scenic river cruise on the Southern Belle from 3 to 5. Then we are dismissed. |
Lunch will be a Taco Bar. Vegetarians and Vegans will find something here good to eat. This is our venue from 1 to 3 for lunch. If we are tired of talking to each other by then, there are games everywhere to entertain ourselves. Pool tables, ping pong, table games, TV's everywhere, shopping below. There is something here for everybody.