All of this music is created with AI and DI. AI (Artificial Intelligence and DI (Divine Inspiration). I write the lyrics to the songs and program AI to use my words in the song. I can then assign a genre of music, like rock, country, smooth jazz, etc. I select instruments to be used, assign time signature, BPM and emotions and feel of the music, like heartfelt or festive, etc. I can control the voice or instrument melody, add harmonies, counterpart, place interludes and solos, create intros, finales and postludes. I can separate out instruments and vocals to have full control over the music.
When I was first starting out, I would hum or sing the melody, but I don't use my voice much so I soon fatigued out my voice and got a sore throat. I now use a mini keyboard that is wired directly to my computer to create the melody and harmony and some of the chord progressions. It works great. Not all songs are a usable winner. The failure rate is rather high. About 10% of the songs I generate are useable in an album. I'm still learning AI so hopefully my success rate will improve. After the song is generated, I have editing to do and conversion of file format for world wide distribution. It is a lengthy detailed process, but hey, I don't have anything else to do. After the song is created, I can still edit it by changing the words, instruments and most any other part of the song. I am having fun. |
Rhymers Block is the app I use to write the lyrics. I can place the curser after a word and the app will give me rhyming options. Sometimes the song can change course based on the rhyming words that are available to me for the next line.
Echoing Symphony